Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Poison Garden Stitch-Along pre-sale / спільний проект "Poison Garden"

🌿The Book of Poison Garden SAL pre-sale available now!🌿

Join a botanical adventure into a beautiful but deadly world of plants.

The Book contains 10 pages, representing 7 poisonous plants and some plant anatomy. The pattern includes cross stitch, back stitch and a bit of french knots. The Book contents will be kept secret until each chapter is released.

Stitching starts Apr, 24th. You can join here

🌿The Embellishment Packs for the Book are available too! Lea Böhm has kindly made the material packs available to purchase for the SAL. You can order your pack here

Monday, March 17, 2025

March Newsletter, issue 1 / Newsletter за березень, випуск 1

The Newsletter for March 2025 went out this morning! I have decided to try a new format: sending it monthly, telling about new patterns, behind-the-scenes and sneak peeks, adding some seasonal freebies, free tutorials and featuring something from 'time machine' with a pleasant discount for subscribers only.

If you didn't get it, check the spam folder and mark the email as legit so it makes it to your inbox next time.

If you haven't signed up yet, it's easy as pie - HERE

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Mrs Claus' Cookbook cross stitch pattern / Книга рецептів місіс Клаус

 ❄️'Mrs Claus's Cookbook' stitch-a-long is over ❄️ And here are all the pages with recipes!

if you were waiting to buy the complete Cookbook pattern, it is now available on my Etsy shop. "Mrs Claus' Oven Mitten" bonus pattern is included in the complete pattern, but I raised the price up a little to add it.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Mrs Claus with Stocking / Місіс Клаус із в'язаною шкарпеткою

My 2022 pattern: Mrs.Claus with knitting ornament. Stitched with DMC, Kreinik and Wisper threads for that adorable woolly effect! This is my second Mrs.Claus. The first one was designed in 2018. You can read about it here

Makes a great pair with Santa with toys ornament

You can purchase this pattern in my shop

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Merry Little Camper / Різдвяний Трейлер

Merry Little Camper for my series of Trailer pincushions/ornaments. 

Plaid just says Christmas! So, I decided to add some deep red plaid check, lights, gifts, candles and stockings to this winter caravan!

Available in my shop. My winter pins are by @korolewishna

Різдвяний трейлер - гольничка/ялинкова прикраса. 

Аіда 18 каунту, нитки DMC та Kreinik. Висота 4.5см. Клітиночка, традиційно святкові кольори. Вишивається дуже приємно! Придбати можна в моєму магазині

Monday, January 13, 2025

Vintage Mugs mittens / Рукавички з вінтажними горнятками

My newest mitten patterns, inspired by the vintage mugs: Santa, Reindeer and Snowman. The patterns are available in my shop. And here is the finishing tutorial! 

Нові рукавички - з вінтажними горнятками: Санта, Олень та Сніговик. Схеми можна придбати в магазині. А ось тут є безкоштовний МК по збірці. 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Freebie: 'Naughty Elves' Mitten / Подарункова Схема "Нечемні Ельфи"

It's time for a Christmas freebie! This is the 'Naughty Elves' mitten, that compliments the Letter to Santa mitten (and Busy Elves set of baubles). So, here they are, 2 naughty elves, peeking through the chimney (trying to steal treats for Santa) :)

Час для Різдвяного подарунка. Рукавичка "Нечемні Ельфи", що дуже добре поєднується із кульками з СП та з рукавичкою "Лист до Санти". Схема є далі в пості.