Это лето у меня проходит под девизом "готовь сани" :))) Первое полугодие я активно и успешно прокрастинировала, зато потом вдруг веник загорелся (если вы понимаете, о чем я :)))... Так что теперь только и успеваю отшивать/фотографировать/верстать и так по кругу.
My newest patterns, inspired by the series of Xmas Village ornaments. 'The Shop Windows' mittens. You can buy 4 patterns in my Etsy shop here. The -25% off SALE that is active in my shop till the end of July includes these patterns too :)
The Gift Shop pattern is a gift to my readers. Pls., visit my Instagram page for details. To be earnest, it had another name first (as you can see from the items on the shelves), but final version is the one on the photo :) But I think you can easily change it to any other shop name you love (teddies, etc).